Former Commander Oil Terminal Remediation
Nassau County, NY
Commander Oil Corporation
Contract Value:
$3.2 Million
Project Dates:
April 2015 - May 2015
- Removal of contaminated oil
- UST Closure and removal
- Excavation
- Groundwater management
- Odor control
- Soil amendment
- Performed under NYSDEC voluntary cleanup program
The former Commander Oil Terminal was an oil storage terminal in existence since 1934. In 2004 the site operations ceased, and the aboveground storage tanks were emptied and sealed. Posillico was hired to perform a remedial excavation of more than 20,000 tons of petroleum contaminated. The total amount of material that was removed from the site was 8,400 cy of soil and 2,350 cy of impacted concrete rubble. Upon completing the removal of the aboveground storage tanks, Posillico installed an injection gallery for future use. The work also included waste classification sampling, mobilization, site preparation/maintenance, hot spot excavation, mass excavation to 6ft. bgs, backfill, grading and demobilization.
Some challenges the team faced was excavating highly volatile contaminated soil in a dense suburban community, transporting it, and finding a facility that would accept the high PAH contaminated petroleum soil. Also, the high-water table and large tidal influence made the loadout challenging due to unstable ground.
The team devised an excavation plan that allowed for a safe and successful project. To minimize the impact of the high-water table and large tidal influence, the team worked from low to high elevations and utilized temporary SOE to maintain the integrity of surrounding areas. Lastly, to facilitate soil transport, the soil was allowed to decant, mixed with cement, and prepared for loadout to various disposal facilities.