Services: Civil | Categories: Excavation/SOE/Foundation, Site Work | Location: New York Metro

Essex Crossing Site 3

Lower East Side, NYC

Triton Construction Company

Contract Value:
$23.7 Million

Project Dates:
2018 to 2020

  • Low Vibration Applications
  • Thorough on-site Sampling; Testing and Analysis of Soils
  • Earth Retention Systems
  • Tie-backs
  • General Road and Heavy Highway Construction
  • Micropiles


The purpose of this project was to excavate and place the foundation for a new building, and to install two tunnels that would connect to two adjacent new buildings. The scope of this work included the excavation of 30’ Deep Concrete foundation with complex H-Pile and drilled pile support of excavation, removal of urban fill, contaminated materials, ACM affected soils, and Boiler Plants from the site. The new foundation required a single pour pressure mat slab of 1,700 CY, dewatering and watertight sheeting for building infrastructures. The project tunnel excavation and installation took place in active NYC streets.


The project start date was delayed, and therefore the work schedule was impacted. Installing the tunnels was complex and involved relocating sewers, electric and domestic water feeds which would affect active buildings. The project would require installing a new Combined Sewer System, watermains and watermain connections. Challenges included MTA and NYCT subway structures, working below active streets and active bridge approach feeder streets, while maintaining active NYC traffic.


Posillico was successful in addressing many of the hurdles the team encountered, by possessing the expertise for all aspects of the project in-house. Well thought-out and executed traffic management protocols enabled the Posillico team to complete 95% of the work during day hours, with no complete road closures at any point, and minimal inconvenience to the community. Phased work and an intricate road decking system over the tunnels kept roadways in operation while the tunnels were being dug. Testing of soils and consistent, reliable safety trainings and processes helped make this project a success.
